Fluoride Treatment - Atria-City Dental Group

Fluoride Treatment

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Fluoride Treatment

What does Topical Fluoride Treatment involve?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral, and it has been shown to help strengthen tooth enamel and make teeth more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria and sugar in the mouth.

Fluoride treatment is a dental procedure that involves applying high concentration fluoride to the teeth in order to help prevent tooth decay. It can come in the form of a fluoride varnish or fluoride gel. The fluoride is applied to the teeth using a brush or tray, and it is left on the teeth for at least 30 minutes before any eating, drinking, or rinsing in order to maximise its benefits.


What are the benefits of Topical Fluoride Treatment?

Benefits of fluoride include:

  • Strengthens and protects tooth enamel so that it is more resistant to decay
  • Remineralises teeth after acid attack from sugar
  • Reduces the risk of developing cavities
  • Limits or slows down the growth of existing decay
  • Prolongs the life of teeth and prevent premature loss of teeth
  • Reduces tooth hypersensitivity


Is fluoride harmful?

Fluoride treatment is considered safe and effective for both adults and children (see “fluoride treatment for children”). However, it is important to use fluoride products as directed and to avoid ingesting excessive amounts of fluoride, which can lead to a condition known as fluorosis. Your dentist can help determine the appropriate fluoride treatment for your individual needs based on your age, risk for tooth decay, and other factors.

There have been several reviews of the safety and effectiveness of fluoride in the form of water fluoridation, dental products, and as a professional treatment. Research to date has supported the use of fluoride to prevent dental decay and its progression.


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